Create sustainable livelihoods for native artisans
Amazon Ecology is a non-governmental organization established in Peru in 2020. Its staff now conducts our artisan training programs, reforestation and support activities with our community partners.
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Hello there!
Welcome to the Amazon Forest Store - the online store of the Center for Amazon Community Ecology. We work with hundreds of native and campesino artisans from the Peruvian Amazon to produce and sell innovative fair trade handicrafts. Your purchase helps to create sustainable income for artisan families, promote forest conservation, and supports local development in their communities. CACE is a member of the Fair Trade Federation so we pay artisans promptly for their crafts. We also devote a portion of our sales to improve health, education and conservation needs in their communities.
Support forest conservation with innovative crafts
Since our crafts are made by a wide variety of artisans, they may make the same model of craft in slightly difference ways. It is, therefore, important to keep in mind that a craft you receive may look slightly different from the photo of the model shown on a product page.

Support native artisans & rainforest in the Amazon
Amazon forest loss is driving species to extinction, aggravating global warming, and robbing people of unique medicines, foods and other benefits. Cutting and burning forests is often more profitable than conserving them, so some native communities in northern Peru have illegally logged and grown coca and other cash-crops to escape poverty. They most want sustainable ways to improve their income, health and education that enhance forests, respect their culture, and strengthen their communitiesLearn more how you can support today.