Meet Negrita. He is the neighborhood black cat who insinuated himself into the...

October 06, 2017

Meet Negrita. He is the neighborhood black cat who insinuated himself into the care of Yully's mother when she was living in the house in Iquitos that has been CACE's place for the past two years. Even though she moved out when we moved in, Negrita still felt like this was his house. He has numerous battlescars on his head, neck and body to prove his defense of our domocile. I met him when I was here last March and we have gotten closer since. He likes to sleep on the chair next to me while I work at the dining room table (or under mine when it's raining hard). I now leave the door to my bedroom open at night so he can sleep on my duffle bag if he wants. I am not thrilled that he may have to go back to living life on the street with all of the other cats when we have to move out of this house at the end of the month. Yully would adopt him into her house, but her cat wants nothing to do with him so she will still give him food outside. There are so many animals in the street here, and a lot of them are obviously quite scrawny, ragged looking, and retain full ability to reproduce.

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